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Ready to move towards the Autoimmune Protocol...but where to begin? [2-minute quiz]
You're ready to take some action to feel better, hurrah! The scale of the AIP can feel a little overwhelming, especially at the beginning. Don't worry, I've got your back. This super-speedy quiz will help you to clarify the direction of your first steps (and they don't need to be big).
Which area/s are the most important to your overall well-being?
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Your Top Score is Stress Management
You are not alone! There are huge benefits to even small amounts of time devoted to calming the waters. The ripples generated by a little focus here have the potential to postively affect every aspect of your well-being.
If you're not clear where your stress is coming from, perhaps start by reflecting for a few moments at the end of each day to see what you can identify. You may want to keep a record of what you notice.
If you have a good grasp on the stressors in your life, you might consider what small step could reduce the impact of one of them. Or, you might begin by working on increasing your capacity to deal with them. You may feel ready to do a little of both.
If you could use some more inspiration, perhaps have a read of my free Getting Started guide.
P.S. This does not mean that you NEED to start with stress. If, having reflected on the questions, something else feels more fitting, follow your instincts. You know yourself better than anyone. For some more general guidance on a gentle approach to healthy change see this article.
Your Top Score is Sleep
The great news here is that any work you do to improve your sleep has the potential to benefit every other area of your well-being. It really is difficult to overstate how important it is.
How much do you know about your sleep habits and patterns as they are? It may be useful to look at your sleep for a week and jot down some details around timing, quality, and how rested you feel when you wake. It is always useful to start with a picture of how things are working now. If you are ready to take some steps, consider what small change might be helpful.
If you could use some inspiration, check out my free Getting Started guide.
P.S. - This does not mean that you NEED to start here. If, having reflected on the questions, something else feels more fitting, follow your instincts. You know yourself better than anyone. For some more general guidance on a gentle approach to healthy change see this article.
Your Top Score is Movement
Notice that I use the word movement, rather than 'exercise'. Though if what you need is more exercise, that can of course be a great place to begin. What we are considering here is the bigger picture of how movement features throughout your day-to-day.
A great start can be thinking about where and how you move during an average day, compared to how much time is spent sitting. Taking an honest look at this might uncover some surprises!
If you already have a handle on that and are ready to act, what kinds of movement do you enjoy? How could you dip a toe into bringing a little more of that into your daily life?
Alternatively, you might consider how you could bring more regular movement breaks into your day. Just two minutes of gentle movement for every twenty minutes spent in your seat can go a long way towards undoing the negative effects of sitting.
For more detail on the gentle approach to making health-promoting changes, check out my free Getting Started guide.
P.S. This does not mean that you NEED to start here. If, having reflected on the questions, something else feels more fitting, follow your instincts. You know yourself better than anyone.
Your Top Score is Social Connection
It is not uncommon to feel isolated, which can often be exacerbated by the effects of chronic health challenges. Humans are tribal animals, and modern life can leave a lot lacking unless we put in some conscious effort.
The first thing to consider is what you know about how this is currently working, or not, for you. What does your support network look like at the moment? Raising awareness around the way things are can helpfully ground any plans for more concrete action.
There is not one right way to work on building or strengthening a social network. What you need is specific to you. If you know what feels right as a first step, take it.
I invite you to be gentle with yourself, especially if this feels very difficult. If so, just being in a place with people, with no pressure to talk, might be a starting point (maybe a cafe, cinema, music venue, library, gallery etc.). If you could use some further inspiration, check out my free Getting Started guide.
P.S. This does not mean that you NEED to start here. If, having reflected on the questions, something else feels more fitting, follow your instincts. You know yourself better than anyone. For some more general guidance on a gentle approach to healthy change see this article.
Your Top Score is Dietary Choices
You are, unsurprisingly, not alone! What we eat matters, particularly when our bodies are struggling, and our relationship with food can be complex.
The nutritional piece of the AIP is not about 'going on a diet'. It is about facilitating healing, while gathering self-knowledge. There are two major aims to this element of the Autoimmune Protocol:
1) Remove potential barriers to healing (hence the elimination phase).
2) Flood the body with the resources it needs to function as well as it possibly can (i.e. a nutrient dense diet).
If you would like a quick review of a simple approach to this pillar of the AIP, check out this article.
If you are ready to take some dietary steps (whether you ever make it to full elimination or not), you have choices. If cutting things out feels a step too far at this stage, start by adding in, or increasing your intake of, something compliant. Feel free to experiment and find some recipes that you like before you oficially 'begin'.
If eliminations are calling to you (which they may for a multitute of reasons), start with one, or perhaps more depending on what feels realistic. Gluten and dairy are some of the biggest offenders. If those are scary, feel free to pick a less anxiety inducing starting point.
Don't forget to consider what you ARE eating, not just what you aren't. The odds are you are doing this because you want to feel better. Eliminations alone can't create a health promoting diet.
As you may have heard me say before, there are no AIP police! You get to choose how this looks for you, how you build it into your life and at what pace.
For further inspiration on how a gentle approach might work for you, check out my free Getting Started guide.
P.S. - This does not mean that you NEED to start here. I won't be telling you off whatever you choose! If, having reflected on the questions, something else feels more fitting, follow your instincts. You know yourself better than anyone. For some more general guidance on a gentle approach to healthy change see this article.
Your Top Score is Something Else
The most pressing piece of your health puzzle is something other than the general foundational pillars of the AIP (and well-being more generally). You know that this feels important, and you are ready to do something about it.
The first step is to get a good handle on the way things are working (or not!) right now. If you already have a solid understanding of what is and is not working in this area, perhaps consider what you want to work towards. What would you like things to look like in, say, 3 months? This clarity can help you to identify a small step you can take now that could set you on the path towards that better future.
For more on how to approach change in a gentle and sustainable way, whatever it is you are working on, see this article.
For further inspiration on how to get the ball rolling, check out my free Getting Started guide.
P.S. This does not mean that you NEED to start here. If, having reflected on the questions, something else feels more fitting, follow your instincts. You know yourself better than anyone. You may find some food for thought here if you are in need of ideas to explore.